Tuesday, June 19, 2007

When laptops are stolen?

Well, we are turning a new corner today in our Church History. We had our first laptop stolen last week. Our Youth Pastor was a mission trip with the teens to DC and NY, and somewhere along the route his laptop was stolen. We were blessed that is was a new laptop, and he hadn't copied any of his information onto the computer yet except for his sermons.

This has brought a very serious issue to bear (in my mind at least). We have pastors and other staffers walking around with laptops that could be potentially full of sensitive information. I have a new project to begin looking into what technology would make the best attempt to secure that data. I know EFS (Encrypting File System) - a technology in Windows XP / Windows 2003 domains, and I have heard about BitLocker in Vista, but I haven't had the time yet to figure it out. In the coming months I will look heavily into locking down the data on our senior staff laptops.

Anybody else facing this challenge, or faced it and through the other side?

Always looking and eager for a plug?