We received an Overland Ultimas 1200 about a week ago that our vendor is loaning us so we can take it for a test drive. This 9TB beauty is pretty quick.
Initial Impressions:
- It was very quick and easy to setup.
- Has a "fully" redundant setup, dual power supplies, controllers, etc.
- It is easily expandible via SAS interconnect to additional chassis.
- Is Fiber Channel - some of you might not like that, I'm still on the fence.
- Supports all the normal SAN stuff (Online Expansion, Snapshots, etc)
Having worked with some higher end Fiber Channel SANS in the past, this one is quite easy to setup. Disk groups and LUN configuration can be done very easily through the integrated web interface.
We have successfully connected 2 different LUNS to our VMWARE ESX server. Since we currently are only running 1 ESX box I can't fully test VMOTION or the other high end capabilities, but the docs say that it is all there.
I will share more thoughts later. Right now I am really pouring over the data... ISCSI or Fiber Channel??? I know many of you are die hard ISCSI people, but I have used both, and I loved the raw speed that is there in FC... I know I probably don't need it, and with 10Gb Ethernet on the horizon who knows.
Oh well more to come on the SAN Saga.
FC is overrated IMHO.
I just got quotes for Promise VTM610i and Dell MD3000i iSCSI ... both are loaded with 1TB drives and about $8k
Of course we run all our VM's on our EqualLogic SAN. Let me know if you're interested in EQL cause I got da hookup!
Check out Xiotech storage. By far the most impressive storage solution i've seen. Discovered them at vmworld 2008.
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